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What’s the difference between a dry cell and an AGM battery?

We all know that batteries are an important component of automobiles. Without it, the automobile including cars will not be able to ignite the engine, turn the lights on, and vice versa. If you are a car or any other automobile holder, then this article can prove beneficial to you. Because in this article, we will discuss what’s the difference between dry cell batteries and AGM batteries. 

Before starting, let us confirm that both the above types of batteries can be used in automobiles. And have their own benefits. Without any further delay, let’s begin with our topic:

Dry cell battery:

As the name suggests, a dry cell battery does not contain any type of fluid in it (contain electrolyte in the form of a paste). Whereas, on the other hand, a wet cell battery contains liquid electrolytes. Because no fluid is present in dry cell batteries, they are less susceptible to leakage. Besides being used in cars, small dry cell batteries are also used in portable electronics, laptops, phones, toys, etc.

Benefits of dry cell battery:

  1. Can handle long periods of storage.
  2. They are inexpensive types of batteries.
  3. The electrolyte which is present in the form of paste is not harmful to the environment.
  4. Do not rapidly lose charge if they are not in use.

AGM battery:

AGM stands for Absorbent Glass Mat and is considered the most efficient type of battery. Absorbent glass mat batteries were introduced in 1980 by keeping weight, safety, power, and reliability into consideration. 

Benefits of AGM battery:

  1. Can easily charge in a shorter span of time.
  2. Highly efficient type of batteries
  3. They are unlikely to build up sulfation.
  4. Have a low self-discharge rate.


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